Multilateral Comenius Partnership Italy-Greece-Romania-Turkey-France-Spain
The blog of blogger is an excellent tool to share experiencies in a easy way and of course to be used as a container of information.
We'd like to mention that our blog is written by teachers and students from every country, which means that everyone of them has to do an effort to write in not their own language.
In the blog, with more than 500 posts you can find many interesting things (Our logo contest, minutes in our project, information about every school, links and much more things... ).
Please have a look of the blog directly to discover what there is in it or clic in links below where we try to show you and classify the information contained in it.
Our blog, the heart of our work.
In order to organize everything in a very complicated partnership (6 countries involved) we've a register of every meeting we've done it and about we've talked (better said chatted because we've used Facebook to comunicate eachother).
Experiencies in our project is the label of a serial of posts where students and teachers tell theirs experiencies of every mobility and you can see special activities we've done in order to work in our partnership and of course to enjoy the experience of being participating in this Comenius project.
Everything is said in these posts are nice things what nobody hopes when a Comenius parnerthip begins.
One of the final ideas was to create a trivial about different topics in relation to gastronomy. For do that, we've developed a special wiki using the blog. At the beginning we thought about to use Twinspace for do that, but finally we've used blogger to collect all the information. This information will be used for preparing the trivial
What can you find in our blog?
In every line you'll discover the work that students and teachers have done in order to prepare activities related to gastronomy.
1.- Main lines of work in our partnership.
2.- Experiences in our project.
3.- Wiki.
5.- Prezy presentations and more documents used in our meetings.
6.- Meeting minutes.
Our international cooking workshops have been one of most interesting experiencies in our project. They carried out in different places in Alcalá la Real by IES Alfonso XI school. The main targets of them were our students were more open minded people and they encorauge to cook different typical dishes from other countries being helped by a person (not an expert chef) from this country.
4.- Cooking workshops.
In order to organize everything in a very complicated partnership (6 countries involved) As coordinator I've intended to do a presentation in every mobility to explain everything was done and of course what we had to do.
Also we have given some documents to every coordinator from every country for being more coordinaded.