Multilateral Comenius Partnership Italy-Greece-Romania-Turkey-France-Spain

Pink category.
Important places and famous people.

2010 - present
2010 - present
Discover important places and famours people in Spain .
The idea of this section is to recopile information about important places and famous people for getting the information for the trivial. So every country participating in this partnership has posted in our blog posts in relation to this topics in order to show everyone more about each country.
We'd like to comment that firstly, we wanted to prepare a wiki for this target (this is the reason because this section is called wiki) but finally, in order to do easier for students and teachers of every country, we thought to do this in our blog, posting the information. So wellcome to our special wiki.
In the links below you can see everything each country have posted in our blog in relation to this wiki-category but also you can read the work separated by countries. And if you fell like playing, come on, Face the challenge, play in our multiple choice game !!!.

Do you fancy to look up the whole information of wiki-pink directly in our blog?.
Accept the challlenge and show what you have learnt with this wiki-pink playing with our multiple choice game (gastrotrivial online).

Wiki-Pink from every country.
Discover important places and famours people in Italy .
Discover important places and famours people in France.
Discover important places and famours people in Romania.
Discover important places and famours people in Greece .
Discover important places and famours people in Turkey.